The origin of the Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.) can be traced to 1907 when the first infantry unit was formed in the new Province of Saskatchewan. At that time, the 95th Saskatchewan Rifles were formed, with headquarters in Regina and a company in Saskatoon. In April 1912, by this time Saskatoon had grown to a city with 12,000 people, the 95th Saskatchewan Rifles were reorganized. From it were formed two regiments, the 95th with headquarters in Regina and the 105th with headquarters in Saskatoon. Later in that year the title "Fusiliers" was given to the 105th Regiment. In 1914 the 105th Regiment Fusiliers became allied to the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the 2nd Battalion of that Regiment having been formerly known as the 105th Madras Light Infantry. A further change in Regimental title was made in 1914 by incorporating the civic name to become the 105th Regiment "Fusiliers" (Saskatoon).